Athlete Transportation in Tongyeong

By World Triathlon Admin | 27 Mar, 2008

With many athletes planning to arrive in Tongyeong right after the Ishigaki BG Triathlon World Cup, the Tongyeong LOC has decided to provide transportation from the official hotel to swimming pool once a day from 10 am to 12am. Athlete can use the 50 meter swimming pool and track free.   There are also good bike training routes with a decent hill and good view.  The start of the ride is hilly with some 40% plus grades. After a couple of kilometers, the ride changes into rolling hills with some steep 20% plus short grades. It is a single lane each way with well paved surface. Traffic is usually light and drivers are generally respectful of cyclists.  On weekday race venue’s traffic is not that heavy so that athletes can train at the venue.

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